Saturday, September 11, 2004

Another Tucson Valley Saturday

Ok, I guess I’m a bit of a computer addict. Today I lent my computer to my friend Stephan, so that he could use it to transfer some files off an old computer. It was really strange not having e-mail and IM. :-) But I did get quite a bit of other work done, which is always good. I did almost all of my reading for my classes Tuesday, did some study for the NABCEP, and I got one of my roughs for my design class almost done.

Let me explain what a rough is, since there’s a slight chance that you might be interested, and it’s good for me to relate stuff I’m learning. So, anyhow… In the design process, there are a few basic steps. First, you need to state your objectives, and develop a concept. Then you do research what you are doing, your audience, your competition, etc. Next, you draw a bunch of “thumbnails.” These are small images which show the basics of the design that you have thought off. They are often very roughly drawn.

This particular project is making an ad to sell a red Corvette to a specific demographic. My teacher had us do twenty thumbnails, and select our two best. Those two will be turned into roughs, which are further refined than the thumbnails, and in this case will be half the size of the finished piece. I got most of one rough done, but am having a hard time selecting the best of the rest of my thumbnails. Perhaps I’ll ask Kelly to help me out on that one…


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