Sunday, August 29, 2004

My House (or something)

Well, Kelly and I drove around and looked around the neighborhood for good apartments. I saw a few that look pretty good. I want something that is in a complex that's fairly small, isn't too expensive, is in a quiet location, preferably with some good trees and stuff. And it needs to be within about a half-mile of school, and a couple miles from work. Sounds like a tall order, eh?

Fortunately, the area I'm in is about 75% rentals, and there are lots of options available. I found three or four that seem to basically fulfill the criteria. I've got to make some calls tomorrow, and see if I can see some before I fly back to WA on Thursday morning. I found a guesthouse, a one-bedroom with lots of good vegetation around, a studio in a rather run-down complex, and a 1-bedroom in a complex of about 12 units, which has a pool. I'm hoping to see them all, but I'm leaning towards the 1-bedroom with the vegetation, since one of my main complaints about my current place is that I don't have a good place to hang out outside.

Life is just plain busy these days...


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