Friday, September 10, 2004

Good Things Are Happening

Well, I’ve been enjoying my classes this week. It’s been a totally crazy week, for a few reasons. Kelly and I got back on Monday night, and I didn’t get to bed until after 11:00p. On Tuesday, I was at work at 6:30, worked a ten-hour day, and then went to school from 5:30 until about ten. I of course didn’t get to bed right away. Wednesday was an eleven-and-a-half hour day. Thursday, I only worked until about 2:00, but had classes again in the evening. And today, I worked until about 3:00p. So, even though I only worked four days, I still had almost 40 hours for the week. Crazy. And to top it all, I’ve been feeling pretty under the weather this week, low energy, stuffed up head, cold-type symptoms. I should really slow down and take care of myself. Well, that’s kind of what I’m doing this evening, since my brain is not up to doing much homework.
I’m pleased with myself for getting to know some good people in my classes. When I was looking back at some of my old stuff, I was thinking about how I used to be – pretty dang socially awkward, and unsure of myself. It’s good to see that had changed, at least most of the time. I’m finding that there day people tend to want to seek me out to talk to me, or ask me questions. I’ve been thinking about why this is, and I think that part of it is that I’ve simply been more open with telling people about myself, rather than feeling unsure, and not revealing much about who I really am. Of course, it does have to be a balance, but I’m much more used to listening to other people, and drawing them out, than I am about talking about myself.


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