Thursday, September 02, 2004

Coming Into Los Angeles

Well, I’m sitting in LA airport, after flying from Tucson. Kelly and I are waiting for our connecting flight, flying on to Seattle. I’m tired, since I’ve been up since 3:45am this morning. But I’m looking forward to seeing all my family, including a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles.

In early news…

I started my fall classes at The Art Center Design College. I’m taking a basic computer class, and a basic design class. The computer class is very elementary, at least for the moment. Even though I haven’t used macs much before, everything we learned in the first class, I could have pretty much figured out myself. But soon we’ll get to do more interesting stuff, after the whole class has been caught up on basic computer skills.
I think the design class is going to rock. The teacher is fun, and it’s a good group of students as well. It will be a lot of work however, and I’m going to have to miss class tonight, so I’ll have some catching up to do. And somehow, I have to squeeze some study time in while I’m in WA.


Blogger Rose said...

Excitment that I get to see you soon! Hope your flight was happy and such...

I've gotta go listen to that song now.

6:53 PM, September 02, 2004  

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