Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A Shooting Star is Not a Star...

Well, I did some work today for a guy who collects and sells meteorites. And at the end of the day, he gave me a slice of a African meteorite. Pretty sweet deal. His website is at

In other news, I'm tired, and I forgot to eat lunch until about now. Well, not strictly forgot, but I didn't have time. I don't like days that are that busy too much.

But otherwise, life is good. I should now make myself something to eat. I also really need to do some more study for a certification for work, but I don't feel like it. Oh well, sometimes you gotta do stuff that you don't want to.

I had a good chat with my sister Anna last night, which was nice. I'm really looking forward to seeing her and the rest of the 'fam when Kelly and I fly out for my Mom's 50th birthday ten days from now. It's good to talking about family trends sometimes. I've made a point not to get myself too involved in thinking about all that stuff, but I can deal with thinking about it sometimes. But I'm not willing to immerse myself enough to get super-upset about it. I have too much other stuff to deal with in my own life, and besides, I like liking life.


Blogger Rose said...

I may have to start making rules about you eating lunch, or else I'll get stressed... it seemed to work with Benson.

12:02 PM, August 26, 2004  

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