Saturday, September 11, 2004

Lying in the Long Grass, Watching Clouds

I haven’t done that in way, way too long. While I was just contemplating about how much I’m on the computer, I realized I really miss some aspects of my childhood, and one of those is certainly having lots and lots of outside time. Come to think of it, I do have a bunch of outside time now, at work but it’s not the same when you are working, and not just being. Perhaps this is just what it’s like being grown up, but I do wish I had more time for reading, drawing, thinking, meditating, and such. Maybe making time for those things has to be a very conscious choice, considering the river of society that I’m at least partly submerged in.


Blogger Anna said...

copy cat.... :)

7:53 AM, September 12, 2004  
Blogger Rose said...

It is nice every now and then when you are without the computer, and have to go do other things. It's hard to not get too attached to them. It's nice in BA to go garden walking and such, and get some outside time.

9:47 AM, September 12, 2004  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Ok, Anna. True, I did read your blog, and it prompted me to think about it. Credit where credit is due...

Rose--Gardens are good. They need more of them in Tucson. And more rain.

2:19 PM, September 14, 2004  

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