Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Still Crazy...

I have a moment before I start studying again, and writing seemed like a good thing to do. I had a short day at work, which is nice, considering all I have to do. But I got both of my roughs done for design class, and am reasonably pleased with them. Still, I wish I had the time to push myself into more areas that are hard for me, but with my schedule, I'm finding I have to just do what I have to do.

I also had a good talk with a good friend (Derek) last night. It was nice to hear what's up with him, but it also reminded me how I really miss people from that side of the country. Much more going on, but homework and a nap (probably not in that order) call.


Blogger Rose said...

Where is Derek living these days? Ryan is in my bio class, I guess I could just ask him. :) What room were the two of you in? I should go see who is in it now.

3:46 PM, September 16, 2004  
Blogger Louiswoof said...

Derek is in Keene, NH, at Keen State College. I don't remember what our room number was. We were on the first floor, and our door was the first one you see, right straight ahead of you, if you walk through the into the hall, from the entrance.

10:18 PM, September 16, 2004  

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