Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Quick Update

Well, 'tis late, and I should go to bed, but a bit of news first. I'm mostly moved into my new place. I am still staying at my old place, but have moved almost all of my stuff to my new place. I'm liking the new place so far, though I do have a bunch of logistics to deal with still, like changing addresses and stuff like that.

Work is crazy-busy at the moment, and I'm feeling pretty drained. I'm hoping to get a few short days at some point, but that might not happen in the near future. School is going fine, though I'm feeling crunched for time, and wishing I had more time to devote to classes. And now I should get to bed.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Life Is a Carnival

I just realized I hadn't written in my blog for a few days. It's been a busy few days, and this will have to be short, since it's getting late, and I have to work in the morning. Anyhow, I've been very busy with school, long hours at work, and looking for apartments. I found a nice little studio that I like. It's a little smaller that I would consider ideal, but the price is right. And low price is something I can certainly appreciate, especially while I'm paying for school. I put in an application on the place, but haven't heard anything back yet. More stuff going on, but I'm exhausted, so it's time for bed.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Short Update

Just a short post. Well, I'm taking the NABCEP solar exam this afternoon. My boss and I did a prep session yesterday morning, and I've done a lot of study on my own, so I feel reasonably prepared. At the moment, I'm getting ready to go down to school, and get a couple of assignments done that are due Tuesday. That way I don't have to do them Monday night, or something.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Still Crazy...

I have a moment before I start studying again, and writing seemed like a good thing to do. I had a short day at work, which is nice, considering all I have to do. But I got both of my roughs done for design class, and am reasonably pleased with them. Still, I wish I had the time to push myself into more areas that are hard for me, but with my schedule, I'm finding I have to just do what I have to do.

I also had a good talk with a good friend (Derek) last night. It was nice to hear what's up with him, but it also reminded me how I really miss people from that side of the country. Much more going on, but homework and a nap (probably not in that order) call.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Lying in the Long Grass, Watching Clouds

I haven’t done that in way, way too long. While I was just contemplating about how much I’m on the computer, I realized I really miss some aspects of my childhood, and one of those is certainly having lots and lots of outside time. Come to think of it, I do have a bunch of outside time now, at work but it’s not the same when you are working, and not just being. Perhaps this is just what it’s like being grown up, but I do wish I had more time for reading, drawing, thinking, meditating, and such. Maybe making time for those things has to be a very conscious choice, considering the river of society that I’m at least partly submerged in.

Another Tucson Valley Saturday

Ok, I guess I’m a bit of a computer addict. Today I lent my computer to my friend Stephan, so that he could use it to transfer some files off an old computer. It was really strange not having e-mail and IM. :-) But I did get quite a bit of other work done, which is always good. I did almost all of my reading for my classes Tuesday, did some study for the NABCEP, and I got one of my roughs for my design class almost done.

Let me explain what a rough is, since there’s a slight chance that you might be interested, and it’s good for me to relate stuff I’m learning. So, anyhow… In the design process, there are a few basic steps. First, you need to state your objectives, and develop a concept. Then you do research what you are doing, your audience, your competition, etc. Next, you draw a bunch of “thumbnails.” These are small images which show the basics of the design that you have thought off. They are often very roughly drawn.

This particular project is making an ad to sell a red Corvette to a specific demographic. My teacher had us do twenty thumbnails, and select our two best. Those two will be turned into roughs, which are further refined than the thumbnails, and in this case will be half the size of the finished piece. I got most of one rough done, but am having a hard time selecting the best of the rest of my thumbnails. Perhaps I’ll ask Kelly to help me out on that one…

Friday, September 10, 2004


Mountain Guide
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
This is a photo I took while hiking last spring.

Benson, AZ

Benson, AZ
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Named after Rose's friend, Benson. He's an pretty old guy, as you can see.

Kelly and Louis

Kelly and Louis
Originally uploaded by louiswoof.
Some of you have probably seen this, but maybe some of you haven't. This is actually from last spring, when Kelly and I visited Kartchner Caverns. Check out the website at http://www.explorethecaverns.com

Good Things Are Happening

Well, I’ve been enjoying my classes this week. It’s been a totally crazy week, for a few reasons. Kelly and I got back on Monday night, and I didn’t get to bed until after 11:00p. On Tuesday, I was at work at 6:30, worked a ten-hour day, and then went to school from 5:30 until about ten. I of course didn’t get to bed right away. Wednesday was an eleven-and-a-half hour day. Thursday, I only worked until about 2:00, but had classes again in the evening. And today, I worked until about 3:00p. So, even though I only worked four days, I still had almost 40 hours for the week. Crazy. And to top it all, I’ve been feeling pretty under the weather this week, low energy, stuffed up head, cold-type symptoms. I should really slow down and take care of myself. Well, that’s kind of what I’m doing this evening, since my brain is not up to doing much homework.
I’m pleased with myself for getting to know some good people in my classes. When I was looking back at some of my old stuff, I was thinking about how I used to be – pretty dang socially awkward, and unsure of myself. It’s good to see that had changed, at least most of the time. I’m finding that there day people tend to want to seek me out to talk to me, or ask me questions. I’ve been thinking about why this is, and I think that part of it is that I’ve simply been more open with telling people about myself, rather than feeling unsure, and not revealing much about who I really am. Of course, it does have to be a balance, but I’m much more used to listening to other people, and drawing them out, than I am about talking about myself.

Looking Back on Life

I think that I have a tendency to live life right now, and not think much about how my life used to be, or what experiences I’ve gone through. I guess I used to think that this was good thing—it helped me to stay in the moment, and not worry too much.

At the moment, I’m feeling frustrated with this tendency of mine. I just was looking at some of my old stuff that I’d brought home with me from my trip to WA for my mom’s birthday. And I starting thinking about times that I hadn’t thought about in quite a long time. I was looking at a notebook from my freshman year at college, which had an interesting variety of information. Stuff about money for school, trying to budget it all out so that I could make my payment. Careful notes of the responsibilities of a library worker. Various math formulas, notes about people to call about yardwork jobs.
It made me sad to realize that my conscious mind had forgotten all about these things, because they are with me now in some ways, even if they aren’t at the surface all the time. On the other hand, I’m not always sure that I liked who I was back then. I had a lot of enthusiasm, and a good connection to the Lord, but I was also lacking in maturity in a lot of ways. Not that that’s changed much. :-) More stuff relating this to the present in the my post…

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Back in AZ...

Well, life has been busy. I had a good time up in WA, generally. Lots I could write, but it's late, and I need to get up in the morning. I got to bed after 11:00pm last night, after flying in from Seattle, and then got up at 6:00 this morning, worked 10 hours, went to classes from 5:30p-9:50p. And now it's time for bed.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Coming Into Los Angeles

Well, I’m sitting in LA airport, after flying from Tucson. Kelly and I are waiting for our connecting flight, flying on to Seattle. I’m tired, since I’ve been up since 3:45am this morning. But I’m looking forward to seeing all my family, including a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles.

In early news…

I started my fall classes at The Art Center Design College. I’m taking a basic computer class, and a basic design class. The computer class is very elementary, at least for the moment. Even though I haven’t used macs much before, everything we learned in the first class, I could have pretty much figured out myself. But soon we’ll get to do more interesting stuff, after the whole class has been caught up on basic computer skills.
I think the design class is going to rock. The teacher is fun, and it’s a good group of students as well. It will be a lot of work however, and I’m going to have to miss class tonight, so I’ll have some catching up to do. And somehow, I have to squeeze some study time in while I’m in WA.