Sunday, October 03, 2004

Old Friends

One of my goals is having my own space is to remind myself of stuff I used to do, but don’t do much anymore. Stuff like ham radio, photography, and flying. In that spirit, I set up my ham radio transceiver last night, and have been listening to some short-wave radio. It really brings back a lot of memories for me. Good memories, and not so good memories. I really enjoy the listening, but it does remind me of times in my life when I wasn’t so happy. It’s certainly a mix.

I’m planning to get a few more of my photos printed in a 8X10 format, and frame them. I have few from Ghana that I want printed, as well as some others from other various times of my life. Should be fun. When I’ll find the time to do this, I don’t know. I really should be doing homework, but I also need a break.

Last week was kind of crazy, since worked almost 50 hours, and moved, etc. And I wasn’t feeling that well. I’m still feeling wiped, but I think it’s getting better. I’ve also asked for a less hectic work schedule. I’m going to have a short day once a week, starting in a couple of weeks. It’s at least a start toward sanity. I suppose this stage of life is inherently insane in some ways, but it’s gotten to a point where it’s too crazy for me.

Actually, it’s kind of interesting the way it seems to work. I am doing quite well at work, and I am doing well at school. I find that other parts of my life suffer the most—stuff like my relationship with the Lord, with Kelly, and my general state of “aliveness” and happiness suffers greatly.


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