Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Employee of the Quarter

Well, some good news amongst my busy life… I was selected as The Solar Store’s Employee of the month, which is cool. It means I get a prime parking space (which I won’t really need for my bike), and a gift certificate. But I think what I like most is the recognition. Good stuff. I’ve got quite a bit of homework to do, but don’t really feel like it, since I’m feeling pretty wiped. But I think a shower and nap might help me to feel better, so I can get my homework done.


Blogger Rose said...

Yay for you!

But, you *will* park your bike there, won't you?

8:14 PM, October 06, 2004  
Blogger Anna said...

Congrats! That's awesome! You could always park yourself there... just sit in your special parking spot all day long. bet that wouldn't get you next months employee of the month though..... :)

4:10 PM, October 07, 2004  

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