Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Second Wind

Well, I had a good day at work today. Even though things took a little longer than I hoped, it was still a productive day, and I got home at about five. On the way home I stopped at a local Mideastern food store. It’s fun to walk into the place, since most of the people there are speaking Arabic, and it smells like a grocery store should smell—of food. Not of nothing, or of cleaner, like you would smell in most big grocery stores. I got some pickles that I’m fond of, some pita bread, and some great “crackers”—actually hard breadsticks with sesame seeds on the outside. Basic, healthy, and quite tasty.

Now I’m home, and I recently ate a big dinner. I’ve been on the run so much the last couple of weeks that I haven’t been eating very well. As a result (and maybe other stuff), I haven’t been feeling very well. I’m taking it easy this evening, and I’m hoping to get to bed soon, and catch up on a bit of sleep. I should have a busy day tomorrow. I’m heading down to the Tombstone area. I don’t have one big job, but a few little ones. It wouldn’t be too hectic except that I have to be back in time for school. I have this thing about being on time, and having enough time to take a shower and eat something. Ok, I’ve got to go get my laundry out of the dryer, and do some other stuff.


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