Friday, October 08, 2004

Procrastination Station

Well, I’m sitting in Bookmans (a local bookstore) using their Wi-fi hotspot. I should be doing research for a paper in my design class, but I’m not yet. I’m writing about how the Roman alphabet vs. the Chinese alphabet influenced educational systems. Or didn’t. I haven’t found out yet. In other news, I’m very glad it’s the weekend, but I will have a busy weekend. My apartment is starting to shape up, but there is much more to do.

Oh, and yeah. I really like living, and life. Even if it is hard sometimes. I was just thinking how much of a gift from the Lord it is that we are alive. I’m only 21, and I’ve been able to do some pretty sweet things in my life. I’m looking forward to the rest of my life. Should be good.


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