Saturday, October 23, 2004

Long, Long, Time Ago

It’s been awhile. Life has been busy, as usual. This last week I worked almost fifty hours, but it didn’t seem that bad. I was the lead technician for a couple of solar-electric jobs, which was good. I’m getting more comfortable with leading jobs, but still have a lot of work to do. Clean and clear delegation is not something I’ve practiced much in my life. I’m used to people taking initiative, and just getting stuff done. I don’t yet know how to strike a balance between hovering over my co-workers, and totally leaving them alone.

In the larger picture of things, I realize that I’m only 21, and shouldn’t really kick myself too bad if I’m not the greatest supervisor in the world. But I’d like to get better.

School is pretty good, and not too stressful. I just finished an assignment last Tuesday, and I have another coming up in a couple of weeks. But at the moment, I’m keeping up with stuff. I’m really enjoying the camaraderie of my design class, since I now know everyone in the class pretty well.

I also spent a little time yesterday drawing. I haven’t done any drawing in ages, but I was pleased at how it went. I think that it really helps me to draw when I don’t have to, and don’t feel under pressure. Good stuff.


Blogger Anna said...

Yeah, the balance of clear delegation and being a control freak is such a hard one. And not something that we were ever taught how to do.

10:25 AM, October 23, 2004  

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