Friday, October 29, 2004

The Long and Winding Week

Ah, another week at an end. It’s been a busy one. Lots of work at work, plus roughs and projects due at school. I’m feeling pretty wiped, which I don’t like much. Tomorrow I’m going to try to get some computer work done, plus I need to work some on a project for design class.

In the mean time, I’m kind of relaxing, kind of cleaning my apartment. It really needs/needed it. I now have some more furniture, which is good. I now have a kitchen table, an allegedly comfy chair, and a great little couch. The chair is actually not that comfortable, so it might leave at some point. I haven’t decided yet. My current problem is figuring out where to fit my bike. I’ve been keeping it inside, just to keep it safe, but I don’t really have much space anymore. At this exact moment, it is suspended from the ceiling, but that solution is awkward at best, and not too aesthetically pleasing.


Blogger Rose said...

Suspended from the ceiling? Can I play?

5:32 PM, November 02, 2004  

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